About Us

We’re networking online with education companies, who are looking for partners to market with. It’s a great time to have an online chat and meet up in person at the real location.

MapEducation.com is networking with local education B2B companies online. We at MapEducation are networking with Teledental services to help people find a dentist who is available for emergency dental questions or services. Learn more about our dental network here.

MapEducation networking with Teledental Platform

Teledental, a virtual healthcare platform, is using Mapbody to create a network of healthcare providers.

Teledental Chat Platform is the most popular Teledental app for healthcare providers. It provides an easy way for Doctors, Denitst, Patients, and other medical professionals to connect with each other through text chat.

This platform helps them find the right person to answer their questions in real-time and get advice on patient care or management.

This is especially helpful in emergency situations when it’s hard to find a doctor online or during long shifts without enough time to check messages on your phone.

The Teledental Chat Platform also allows hospitals and clinics in remote areas where it’s difficult to reach doctors via phone or email.

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